"Learn how to be healthier in my body, and how to teach others how to do it too. I want to be healthier through food and exercise, walking and stretches and tai chi. I would like to be a part of Greenway Flats. I want to work in a nursery and water flowers and plants and maybe do some filing in an office for a campus that needed filing."
"I want to be healthier. I would like to lose weight about 32 more pounds – I lost 15 – walking more and eating healthy. I want to be a part of low-income housing. A job will help."
"I need a job. I'm trying to get back on my social security benefits so I can have housing.Staying healthy, taking meds — I am working towards better health. I want to work with the Homeless Outreach Team to get my birth certificate and ID."
"In godliness and health. I want to be healthier, have faith. I want to grow in my faith. I would like to get housing. I can't really work right now because of my hip and leg and my back. But I guess ideally, I would work landscaping or stocking shelves in the warehouse."
"I would like to be more patient. I would like to meet a nice woman with a sense of humor. I'd like to be healthier — give up vaping, put on more muscle, join a gym and get some cardio in. I want to stay sober and keep the Lord in my life. He's the one who gives me the desire to stay sober in the first place. I want to honor him. I will never be perfect, but I'm going to keep practicing every day to be closer to God."
Without a warm and safe place to sleep, many of our homeless neighbors wouldn’t survive on the streets.
Every dollar you donate will be matched,
doubling the impact you have
on homeless neighbors in your community!
Help us reach our goal by September 30!