Our God is a God who is in the details. There is nothing too big or too small for Him. He tells us that He actually knows what we need before we even ask for it - but He still wants us to ask. He wants us to come to Him so we know that it is Him that provided.Often in America we write things off as coincidence. When we need something and it happens to show up, we don’t want to believe that it was God that provided. We rarely have to worry about getting hungry because we can just drive to the nearest fast food joint and grab a burger. If we are out of money and hungry we just use the credit card, but what if you don’t have money or a credit card? What if you are living on a budget of $.40 a meal and you don’t have any money left and no credit card?What do you do then? You pray!!
At Springs Rescue Mission we served over 100,000 meals last year.In order to feed even more meals this year, we are living on a budget of less than 2 quarters per meal served. We live on a tight budget, but our Chefs put out amazing food. They do this through donations, great imaginations and lots of prayer.
“Give us this day our daily bread” in some way or another, is a prayer that has been echoed in our kitchens on many a morning. As our chefs play “Chopped” each and every day for 9 meals, they often have to try and piece together a hot nutritious meal for our guests with such items as kale, long grain rice and some sort of odd vegetable. The chefs will be thinking about how they could make a great recipe with these products if only they had one more item. I can’t tell you how many times one of the chefs has prayed about an item and it just happened to show up within the hour.
As a matter of fact, last month we were completely out of protein. I mean we had nothing in our refrigerators or freezers, and we had already spent our monthly budget. Chef Bill and a case worker from the New Life Program, Tonio, knew how to resolve this issue: PRAYER.They took the time to pray, and as God has so often done, the prayer was answered. Within 24 hours we received a call from a mission in Northern Colorado who was delivering us over 500 pounds of processed meat, a second call from another donor who wanted to bring a cooler full of meat, and then a third phone call from Care and Share telling us that Tyson Chicken was donating 5 pallets of chicken to the mission. We went from no protein to an abundance of protein in less than 24 hours! We actually had to ask Care and Share to store two of the pallets of chicken for us. As we will soon be providing an additional 5 meals services each day, this protein will dwindle, but we know that God will provide.The staff and volunteers at Springs Rescue Mission have been serving our neighbours experiencing homelessness, poverty and addiction since 1996. We are powered by the generosity of our community. Discover how you can get involved.
Without a warm and safe place to sleep, many of our homeless neighbors wouldn’t survive on the streets.
Every dollar you donate will be matched,
doubling the impact you have
on homeless neighbors in your community!
Help us reach our goal by September 30!