“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton
What are you thankful for?
“I’m thankful for [Greenway Flats] and that I have a home now. I don’t have to see the TV through someone else’s window anymore. I get to be on the other side now.”
- Aric, Greenway Flats resident
“I’m thankful for my grandson. He’s just been so helpful and supportive through all of this. My son died three years ago and I would have just fallen apart without him.”
- Connie, shelter guest
“I’m thankful for family. Even though I don't get to see them as much as I'd like, they are what keeps me going. They're important to me."
- Monica, shelter guest
“I’m thankful for God. That we have someone who will listen and help us. You know? Life is hard enough as it is, but without him it would be impossible."
- Lisa, shelter guest
“I’m thankful that I can wake up in the morning and not have to worry about where I’ll get my next meal — that I have everything I really need. Sometimes I can take the small things for granted, like having a toothbrush and toothpaste, or clean socks to put on in the morning. That’s why I have to constantly remind myself that I’m a blessed man. God have really taken care of me.”
- Robert, employee and NLP graduate
“I’m thankful for the friends I have here and for the people who support me. There are so many good people here."
- Grace, shelter guest
“I’m thankful that there is breath in my lungs — that I’m still alive! As long as that’s true, anything is possible. Because God is more powerful than any obstacle that might be in our way. Amen? I really believe that.”
- Charlie, New Life Program graduate
“I’m thankful to have this place I can come — and other people can come — to get help. Regardless of what they’ve got going on: they’re homeless, they’re drug addicts or alcoholics, whatever. At this place, there’s something for everyone; you just have to want it bad enough.”
- Mary, guest
“I’m thankful that we have this new, modern kitchen to serve food in and to eat in. It’s so much different, and it lets us feed so many more people at a time. I think it’s great. I’m thankful for it.”
- Dennis, shelter guest
“I’m grateful for the mercies and grace of the Lord. I’m grateful for family, for health and to have loved ones around me. And I’m grateful to have the ability to care for others.”
- Shawn, New Life Progam graduate
Consistently provide nutritious meals, a bed and compassionate care for neighbors in need by becoming a Good Samaritan Sponsor today! For just $25 a month, you’ll help transform the life of a homeless man or woman in Colorado Springs.
Without a warm and safe place to sleep, many of our homeless neighbors wouldn’t survive on the streets.
Every dollar you donate will be matched,
doubling the impact you have
on homeless neighbors in your community!
Help us reach our goal by September 30!