Roughly half of the women in homeless shelters are there because they’re fleeing domestic violence (source: In fact, more than 90% of homeless women are victims of physical or sexual abuse (source: These strong women have often exhausted every alternative to sleeping on the streets, such as staying with friends or family or sleeping in cars, before going to a shelter. Some even stay with past abusers. This makes a bad situation worse, and sometimes even tragic.This month, Springs Rescue Mission and Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence are working together to share powerful stories of healing and restoration for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The women in the video below can finally say, “I will never be a victim of abuse again.”
Without a warm and safe place to sleep, many of our homeless neighbors wouldn’t survive on the streets.
Every dollar you donate will be matched,
doubling the impact you have
on homeless neighbors in your community!
Help us reach our goal by September 30!